• Sep 7 2024 - 02:08
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The First International Fair of Study in Iran

The First International Fair of Study in Iran ifsiexpo.ir, consisting of 14 events, will be held on October 8-11 (17th to 20th of Mehr) in the Grand Mosalla Mosque of Tehran

The First International Fair of Study in Iran
ifsiexpo.ir, consisting of 14 events with the following
goals, will be held on October 8-11 (17th to 20th of Mehr)
in the Grand Mosalla Mosque of Tehran by Student Affairs
Organization saorg.ir of the Ministry of Science
, Research and Technology
msrt.ir in cooperation with universities
studyiniran.saorg.ir, some institutions, AZFA centers,
and student recruitment agencies.
The Most Important Goals of the fair:
• Culture promotion, networking and expanding the
ecosystem of effective actors in the field of recruiting
international students
• Introducing the capacities of international student re
cruitment agencies and universities in the field of re
cruiting international students
• Presenting the country’s scientific and technological
advancements in order to increase the attractiveness
of education in Iran
• Creating a balance and interaction between student
recruitment or expatriate agencies and universities
• Creating a suitable, interactive and competitive
environment for negotiations and conducting
international student recruitment contracts
• Presenting strong cultural-historical foundations of
the country in order to recruit international students
Festival’s Policy Council:
The festival’s policymaking council consists of the Student
Deputy of the Ministry of Science, research and
technology, the educational Deputy of the Ministry of
Health and Medical Education, Deputy ministry of Iranians
abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Presidency
of Al-Mustafa International University, the director
of the center of international scientific cooperation,
the vice presidency of the Islamic Culture and Relation
Organization, the international vice chancellor of Azad
University and the university Presidents of Imam Hossein,
Shahid Beheshti, Al-Zahra, Ahlul Bayt, Kharazmi and
Tarbiat Modares universities are responsible for policy
making of the exhibition and the headquarter of the exhibition
with the presence of the representatives of the
policy council members are responsible for the coordination
of the exhibition›s executive affairs.
Audience of the exhibition:
1- Presidents and vice presidents of universities across
the country
2- Students, researchers and the elites of the country
3- International students of the country’s universities
4- Elite high school students across the country
5- Managers and officials and all those involved in AZFA
centers of student recruitment agencies in the
6- Members of organizations, unions and non-govern
mental organizations active in international affairs
7- National Authorities, officials of government organi
zations and institutions active in the ecosystem of
international student recruitment
8- Directors and managers of student expatriate
agencies from other countries
9- Higher education authorities of foreign countries
10- Educated people
Principals and events of the exhibition:
1-University Exhibition and higher education centers
Universities and research institutes with the international
students recruitment license, introduce their capacities
by providing visual and attractive content in
at least three languages (Persian, Arabic and English).
Contents are in the form of catalogs, brochures, booklets,
promotional teasers, banners, infographics and inventions
and initiatives of international students, theses
and dissertations, distinguished works of international
students, photos or statues of outstanding professors effective
in the field of internationalization and outstanding
technological examples and finally the maquettes
or the symbol or facade of the university, and they cover
the following issues: Orientation of the university, the
history of the university, the introduction of prominent
faculty members, the number of faculty members, the
number of scientific articles of the university, the position
of the university in valid internal and external rankings,
the history of the university in recruiting international
students, introducing the environment and buildings of
the university, introducing fields and faculties, welfare
and dormitory facilities, sports and recreational facilities,
tuition and financial issues, brief introduction of the
city where the university is located, introduction of monuments
and recreational places and natural attractions
around the university , and in general any services or
facilities or capacities that are specific to the university
and displays the internationality of the university and
the city and shows the attractiveness of studying in that
university center.
2- Exhibition of private institutions recruiting
international students in Iran
These institutions will introduce themselves by providing
attractive visual contents in at least three languages
(Persian, Arabic and English). The countries of the field
of activity, resume, records and honors of the institution,
the symbol, logo or the maquettes of the institution and
the services that the institution provides for students will
be covered in this section. Institutions will, as appropriate,
seek assistance from students they have recruited
or are recruiting to increase attractiveness.
3- Exhibition of students expatriate agencies from
foreign countries
Student expatriate agencies from 101 countries have
been invited to attend this fair. These institutes introduce
their domain of activities in their own booths by offering
visual and attractive content. For them, as well as domestic
student recruitment agencies, the opportunity
for discussions, interaction and signing agreements and
contracts with Iranian universities and recruitment marketing
activists are provided.
4- Exhibition of Persian language teaching centers for
non-Persian speakers (AZFA)
These centers will introduce themselves by providing
attractive visual contents in at least in three languages
(Persian, Arabic and English). The introduction of curriculums,
the duration of curriculums, the quality of educational
services, quantitative and qualitative statistics
of the centers’ performance, new methods Persian
language teaching and etc. will be represented in this
event. These centers will seek assistance from their students
or graduated language learners in an appropriate
way in order to increase the attractiveness.
5- University Technology Empowerment Exhibition
These knowledge-based enterprises will display their
achievements by presenting attractive visual contents
in at least three languages (Persian, Arabic, English), as
well as providing maquettes or physical representations
of their technical achievements and knowledge-based
products, they will introduce the processes of the emergence
of powerful technologies from the beginning of
its studies and scientific research to becoming a technology
and product. The general introduction of the
technology, the path taken to success, the companys’
achievements and honors, the companys’ relationship
with universities and scientific centers, university education,
the companys’ competitive advantages and their
currency earnings are topics that can be presented. The
approach of representing achievements, introducing
empowering technological capacities in the fair are the
attractions that are effective in recruiting international
students and will have an international impact on students’
scientific diplomacy. This part of the exhibition is
carried out with the joint cooperation of Student Affairs
Organization and Imam Hossein University.
6- Exhibition of non-governmental organizations and
communities active in international affairs
Student communities and non-governmental organizations
active in the international field, including
friendship associations between Iran and other countries,
the Islamic Association Unions, international student
scientific centers and country-oriented organizations
of international students will introduce themselves
to the audience by providing attractive visual content in
at least three languages (Persian, Arabic and English).
In this part of the fair, the activity records of the organization,
communication and activities related to students
and academics, proposed ideas and plans, and
people’s capacities of the organization to be used in
scientific diplomacy will be considered.
7- Exhibition of government organizations and
institutions active in the international students’
recruitment ecosystem
Government offices and organizations that have a role
in the ecosystem of international students in Iran or provide
services to international students, will respond and
provide services to international students by attending
this fair. For instance, the Cultural and Social Deputy
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the International
Deputy of the Ministry of Science, Research
and Technology and the Deputy of Technology and Innovation
of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology,
the Islamic Culture and Relation Organization,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health and
Medical Education, Passport Police, Islamic Development
Organization, Supreme Leader’s Representation
in Universities, Al-Mustafa International University, Ahlul
Bayt World Assembly (A.S.),International Vice-Presidency
of Qom Seminary, The World Forum for Proximity of
Islamic School of Thought. Along with the above-mentioned
organizations, capacity of tourism agencies,
Iran Chamber of Commerce, Iran Trade Organization,
Education Scholars Club, and Iranian schools abroad
will also introduce their related capacities and abilities
related to students’ recruitment.
8- Sarai Danesh art festival, Exhibition of artworks and
awarding winners
«Sarai Danesh Art Festival» is one of the important
events of «International fair of study in Iran» in Mehr
1403 (October 2024). Competitions in this festival are
held to support the production of sumptuous and everlasting
content about educational attractions in Iranian
universities, documenting the experience of living
and studying in Iran, as well as in line with discovering
talents and documenting valuable works in this area
for the first time with the aim of introducing educational
attractions in Iran. Opening a gateway to discourse
and increasing the awareness of international students
about the educational attractions and capacities of
Iranian universities and higher education centers, while
emphasizing the necessity of targeting the recruitment
of international students, are among the other important
objectives of this artistic festival. In this festival,
under the flag of international fair of study in Iran, the
knowledge, culture, luminaries, and civilization of the
people of Iran will be displayed as a home for those who
pursue knowledge.
Festival’s main ideas:
Lives of Iranian luminaries and professors
Lives of international students in Iran
Introduction of universities of the Islamic Republic of
Introducing the attractions of education in Iran
The attractions of student life in Iran
Competitive parts of the festival:
A. Video:
Images (single photo, video reports), short film
(narratives, documentaries, experimental, advertising,
music videos, and animated movies)
B. Audio:
Podcasts, radio shows and anthems
C. texts:
Memoir, travelogue and life experiences and education
in Iran,
D. Software:
Virtual tours of universities, Persian language curriculums,
and special information for international
Participants in the festival:
Students and graduates of universities,
Students and graduates of international universities
Universities which have the license of recruiting International
Artists and activists in the field of films, documentaries
and cinema
Short movie section:
Top three works: a certificate of appreciation, a statue
and 400 million Rials
Two admirable works: a certificate of appreciation, a
statue and 150 million Rials
Photo section:
Top five works: a certificate of appreciation, a statue
and 30 million Rials
Fifteen admirable works: a certificate of appreciation,
a statue and 10 million Rials
Audio section:
Top five works: a certificate of appreciation, a statue
and 30 million Rials
Five admirable works: a certificate of appreciation, a
statue and 10 million Rials
Text section:
The top five works: a certificate of appreciation, a
statue and 30 million Rials
Five admirable works: a certificate of appreciation a
statue and 10 million Rials
Software section: Top five virtual tours: a certificate
of appreciation, a statue and 500 million Rials
Five creative works: a certificate of appreciation,
statue and 50 million Rials
Address of the secretariat of the fair headquarters:
6th floor, Student Affairs Organization, Shahid
Mousavi Street, Ferdowsi Square, Tehran, Iran
Address of the festival secretariat: Cultural and Social
Vice-Chancellor, Student vice presidency, Tarbiat
Modares University, Tehran
Email: sada@modares.ac.ir
Executive Secretariat phone number: 09124048817-
09352981511- 82883296
9- Festival of the culture of nations and ethnicities
with the activism of international students studying
in Iran from 101 countries
Culture booths of nations and peoples presenting the
country’s clothing, popular foods and cuisines, famous
writings and works, the country’s heritages, luminaries
and scientists, the country’s handicrafts, arts and visual
arts, and any culture and customs such as, handwriting,
language, currency, historical, religious, tourist destinations
and national, religious, political symbols, symbols
of victories, resistances ,independence and progress of
the country that are attractive to introduce their own
The Festival of Cultures itself pursues a part of the main
goals of the fair and the following goals in particular:
• Promoting the cultural adaptation of international stu9
dents in the context of student life
• Orientation of international students with different cultures
• Promoting interactions and cultural and civilizational
communication in the context of the internationalization
of universities
• Reinforcing the civilized, cultural and national identity
of students
• Consolidation of mutual cultural and social ties between
different nationalities of Iranian people
• Promoting the message of friendship, empathy and
kindness and creating a cheerful spirit in international
• Defining the atmosphere of Iran’s universities as a delightful
place with activities, dynamism and making Iranian
universities attractive for international students as
a suitable destination for education.
The booths of this section will be established for 101 nationalities
and will display interesting content about
the following topics in the form of text, images, visuals,
shows, multimedia and other formats. The booths will be
managed by international students of Iranian universities
and they will answer visitors’ questions.
Scientific, cultural and artistic luminaries of the population,
population density, ethnic groups and diversity, the
area of the country and neighboring countries, the capital
city, administrative divisions, attractive tourist destinations
and natural areas, special rivers and seas, historical
monuments and architectural style, government
system and governance, national anthem, map and flag
and national symbols of the country, party system and
most importantly, official language and linguistic diversity
and its origins, national holidays of the country and
their origins, national and common currencies in the
country, national and local clothing, multiple exchanges
, cultural invasion, history of the country, revolutions,
developments and wars, official and important religions
and denominations, antiquities and symbolic and prom10
inent objects of the country, literary, scientific and artistic
works of the country, native and local and distinguished
sports, the most important mosques, churches and
places of worship, music, cinema and film productions,
common rituals and traditions in the country, scientific,
cultural and artistic prominent figures, top universities
and the history of education and teaching, a quantitative
table of current students, the health system and the
most important hospitals, local, traditional medicines or
chemical medicines, agricultural, livestock and marine
products, handicrafts, important products and industries,
major exports of the country, major imports of the
country, the most important jobs and ways of earning
10- The International Food Festival with the presence of
international students from universities in the
In this event, international students studying at Iranian
universities will show 101 traditional and local dishes
from their own countries to visitors at the fair. This section
will have a special appeal to the public.
11- The presence of academic authorities from other
countries and the gathering and exhibition of
professors of Persian language chairs and Persian
language teaching centers abroad.
12- The side programs of the exhibition include
artistic programs, performances, and joint and
specialized meetings and workshops
In this section, the importance of recruiting international
students, student recruiting marketing, the capacities
available in the country, how to recruit international students,
recruiting and synergizing these activists will be
discussed within the presence of professors, university
students, higher education centers, the authorities and
officials of AZFA centers, recruiting and expatriate agen11
cies. These meetings and workshops will be in the form
of mutual thinking with questions and answers. In these
meetings, the experiences of the presidents of universities
and institutions that have had the best experiences
for recruiting international students will be shared with
the guests. This part of the program includes the presentation
and transfer of experiences that have been
evaluated and approved by the Student Affairs Organization.
In addition to a debate for recruiting international
students, the main goal of this section is to create
constructive and optimal competitions between
the country’s universities and recruiting and expatriate
agencies to attract international students.
Honoring the elected booths of the exhibition:
A part of the discourse to recruit international students
necessitates appreciation for the contributors who
have devoted their utmost attention to showcasing the
educational attractions in Iran. In this section, elected
booths will be appreciated properly.
The gifts of the elected booths of the exhibition
Title of the Elected Price in Rial
Top University Booth 200 million
Title of the Elected Price in Rial
Top Recruiting International Student
Agency Booth
250 million
Top Expatriate International Student
Agency Booth
200 million
Top Technology Empowerment Booth 150 million
Top AZFA Centers 100 million
Top Culture of Nations and Ethnicities
70 million
Top National Food Booth 70 million
13- A virtual intrnational fair of study in Iran
One of the upcoming fair’s pre-event memorable
programs, is building a permanent virtual fair.
Internal and invited external contributors will first upload
their engineered booth with all its specifications,
audiovisual materials, to their virtual booth located at
ifsiexpo.com on the internet pages. For this purpose, a
step-by-step guide to building a booth in the virtual
space has been provided on the fair’s homepage for
14- Guide to Registration for Attending the Fair and
booking a booth:
Universities, AZFA centers, recruitment and expatriate
agencies from other countries, and all other actors
intending to set up a booth must access the fair’s
platform at ifsiexpo.com. According to the program
they have designed, they should determine the area
and other specifications of the booth step by step. To
do this, first, the instructional guide must be read. Then,
the desired fashion booth can shape its virtual booth at
the virtual fair from October 8 to 11 (17th to 20th of Mehr)
by entering the data and digital posters provided onsite.
Registration address and setup of the virtual booth:
Address: No. 27, Shahid Mousavi St, Ferdowsi Square,
Enghelab-e Eslami Street, Tehran, Iran
Sarajevo Bosnia

Sarajevo Bosnia

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Islamska organizacija za kulturu i komunikaciju je jedna od iranskih organizacija koja je povezana s Ministarstvom kulture i islamske orijentacije; i osnovana je 1995.[Више]

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